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Reveal business intelligence blog gives you the latest embedded analytics trends, how-tos, best practices, and product news.

Build vs Buy Embedded Analytics: Comparing the Pros & Cons
For app development houses whose tools collect data that could be useful for the end user to make decisions with, there is little excuse not to use embedded analytics and visualizations. Embedded analytics delivers real-time reporting, interactive data visualization and advanced analytics, including machine learning, directly into an enterprise business application. The key benefits of […]
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Embedded analytics are powerful for apps – why do you need them?
The apps you create, whether for mobile or desktop, generate huge amounts of data, both from user input and information collected passively. If your app can make use of this data in way that creates value for the end user, your app will be more “sticky” — a key differentiator in a highly competitive market. Many app developers are now […]
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