Reveal Support Policy
Reveal Support Levels
Reveal Standard Support
Both the Reveal Embed SDK and Reveal App include Infragistics standard support.
Reveal App and Reveal Embed SDK Support are available to customers in the following ways:
- Online Support Form: https://www.infragistics.com/my-account/submit-support-request/reveal
- Community Forums: https://www.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/reveal
- FAQs https://www.revealbi.io/faq
All customers receive Standard Support, which includes the following:
- Respond within two (2) business days
- Online ticketing system to access support cases, status, and history
- Unlimited incidents per year
- Access to online forums
Reveal Priority Support
Reveal Embed SDK customers can purchase a Priority Support Add-on for an additional 15% of their contract cost.
Priority Support includes all the Infragistics Support Benefits described above, plus:
- Guaranteed Rapid Response within one (1) business day
- Direct escalation path through your Account Manager
- Priority phone support during local business hours
- Priority response time on Forum Posts
- Online chat support
- Bi-Annual meetings with Reveal product management team, including access to early builds and change notifications
Support Term
Support is provided while a customer is under contract.
Once a customer contract term expires, they no longer have the right to use / deploy the Reveal Embed SDK on any device or platform, and as such, they no longer have technical support. To understand your usage rights, please review the Reveal License Agreement at https://www.revealbi.io/licenses.
Hotfix / Service Releases
Reveal does not have a Service Release schedule; we are in a continuous delivery model.
- The online SaaS application at app.revealbi.io is updated regularly with bug fixes, new features, new experience.
- The Reveal SDK is available on-demand as bugs are addressed. In the case of critical bugs or security issues, the Reveal team will notify you of the issue and the update path.
- Installing the latest release of Reveal Embed SDK includes all bug fixes since the last major release.
In general, we look at the critical nature of the bug:
- If there is a workaround, and the bug is not a critical issue, the bug fix will not be immediately prioritized, and the workaround will be the recommended path forward
It is important to note that Reveal is under active development, we are adding many new features and enhancements every month. We will regularly update the documentation and blogs with notifications of:
- UI / Visual changes in a release
- Interaction changes in a release
Breaking changes will be in the published release notes available at the Infragistics blog at https://www.infragistics.com/community/blogs/tags/Reveal or per-release in the Reveal SDK document at https://help.revealbi.io/en/developer/.
Support Lifecycle
- Support for Reveal App – https://app.revealbi.io/ – is limited to the current version of the app online. We do not support previous versions
- Support for Reveal Embed SDK includes:
- Bug fixes for 12 months
- 3 Years of Product Support
We encourage customers to upgrade every 12 months to the latest version of Reveal SDK. While we understand that an embedded application may not get updates in a 12-month cycle, it is important for the customer to understand the risks of not updating their application:
- Security patches
- Bug Fixes
- Retired features
Customers can contact sales to purchase Long-Term Support (LTS), we can support / service / patch a specific version of Reveal for up to 5 years under LTS.
Support Hours
US Support Services Department | EMEA Support Services Department | APAC Support Services Department |
Phone: +1 (888) 448-0097 (in North America only) +1 (609) 448-2000 (outside of Norther America) Monday thru Friday 09:00-17:00 ET, excluding standard US Holidays |
Phone: +44 (0) 8456 770 021 Monday thru Friday 06:00-15:00 GMT |
Australia: 1 800 178 693 Singapore: 800 819 3208 Korea: 0079 881 3006 Others: +81 (3) 6892 8036 Monday thru Friday 09:00-18:00 Japan Time NOTE: Support in English Only |
Online chat: Sunday 8AM EST thru Friday 5PM EST, 24 hours a day | Online chat: Monday thru Friday, 24 hours a day | Online chat: Monday 9AM JST thru Friday, 24 hours a day |